Pudim Industries™ - Exclusive Fans®

Content Warning: degeneracy

Do you want to satifsy you deepest pleasures? Do you have interests that are so secret no one else would be able to help you with? Then you came to the right place! Here at Pudim Industries™ Exclusive Fans®© we have all the content you could ever ever want in one place!

Here are some bits that may interest you~

You maybe are into food pictures...

Something went terribly wrong

Oh, I hear you like trading, is that right?

Something went terribly wrong

Maybe you are more into computer chips~

Something went terribly wrong

Beyong allowing you to interact with famous celebrities, this service allows you to tip your favorite content creators in our brand new currency: the Pudim Coin!

Access to our plattform

We are currently in the finals steps of beta testing and access to our plattform is currently restricted to the most prestigious cebrities only. If you think you apply, simply write to contact@pudim.xyz. Our department will help you with your special interests~

Our policy

In order to empower you to produce the content you like, we only take a small cut (92%) of your revenue, giving you ample ammounts of money to create content for the world.

New partners

To become a partner, simply send an email to lewd@pudim.xyz. You'll just be required to pay a small fee of $768, and wait 32 weeks for the aproval process.