The Pudim™ Industries official Coin®


As the greatest and only corporation in existence on earth, its our duty to control every single aspect of your life. This way, we are able to make sure you have the authentic Pudim Lifestyle®. Naturally, controlling the global monetary sistem was an important aspect of enforcing our dictatorship economic policies.

In order to have absolute and irrefutable control over the financial lives of all beings on Earth, we are currently hosting our initial ICO, having already delivered some coins to partners in the industry. The coin we use follows the ERC-20 standard, and currently lives in the Polygon blockchain, at the address 0x2c9c0f28c3a546e2b9e119febb696447bdb63048. Be aware that in the following months all other forms of currency will be irevocably banned and destroyed.

Any offers to buy Pudim™ tokens shoud be directed to Note that any offers of less than $12,000,000.00 per token will be automatically rejected.