Pudim Industries Web Hosting Service

We, as a company, strive to provide a wide range of services to our customers. Employing only the lastest tecnologies available, we lead the industry as the most fast, reliable, and trustworthy cloud hosting company. Our systems are all based on the award winning residential connections offered by Your Average Internet Service Providerâ„¢ , as well as the record breaking Raspberry Pi 2 processors. This way we provide an uptime of at least 67%, far ahead of our competitors.

Current servers installations
One of our current server installations

New Customers

Any new business inquiries should be directed to our customer support team, that can be reached at [sales@pudim.xyz]. Note that our average time of response is 10*parsecs*(129m/s)^-1.

Currently, we offer four tiers of web hosting, focused on our current understanding of the web hosting market. Each of those comes with our award-winning technical support, regarded as "best in class" by our clients.

"The best technical support I have ever received /s" - Someone on Twitter.

Here follows our most prestigious plans:


Our most accessible plan, created for CS students that can't afford high end plans

Storage: 1MB
Cost: Your human soul, unconditionally.


Our basic plan is perfect for online businesses that are entering the market

Storage: 5MB
Cost: $699/month


The ideal plan for anyone that is more advanced in online computing

Storage: 10MB
Cost: $999/month


God, isn't 10 megabytes enought for you? All right. If you want to pretend you are NASA, that's the plan you need to choose.

Storage: 69E621Bytes
Cost: Yes